Welcome to “A New World”?

   In the website I have shown you several things that I think are important to the future of mankind, such as space colonization, terraforming other worlds and all the other stuff needed for expanding our civilization and avoiding the Malthusian trap.

   Outside the space science mostly left to the site, this blog will also treat some other ideas, concerning science in general, demography, ecology and economy, and, why not, politics. After all, science is not the only thing needed for our progress, but also changes in our society. Can we step in a new era together with Assad, Breivik or the dickhead(s) behind the Wisconsin Sikh temple attack, for instance? Or who wants a future in which, let’s say, an U.S./Israeli/Saudi/Al-Qaida-controlled Venus is at war with an Iranian/Syrian/Lebanese/Palestinian-controlled Mars? Or a tyrant in alpha Centauri who crushes his opponents (maybe using Venus or Mars-provided arms)?